Hi, I'm doing my first PHP/symfony project and I've spent quite a bit
of time reading all of the documentation.  I have just created a user
registration page, and in it I am encountering an issue regarding how
to deal with form fields that originate from the database, but which
are not saved to the database.

I have select widgets which have US state names and Canadian province
names, respectively.  The correct widget is displayed according to the
country selected by the user in the UI.  In turn, I have a
state_prov_id field in my AddressForm, which actually holds the
reference to the correct province or state's ID.

I originally implemented the configure method of my AddressForm as

  public function configure()
    // Select only provinces
    $provinceCriteria = new Criteria();
    $provinceCriteria->add(RefCountryPeer::ISO_VALUE, 'CA',

    // Select only states
    $stateCriteria = new Criteria();
    $stateCriteria->add(RefCountryPeer::ISO_VALUE, 'US',

    $this->widgetSchema['province'] = new sfWidgetFormPropelChoice
(array('model' => 'RefStateProv', 'add_empty' => 'Please select one',
'criteria' => $provinceCriteria),array('onchange' => 'setSubCountry
(this.value)' ));
    $this->widgetSchema['state'] = new sfWidgetFormPropelChoice(array
('model' => 'RefStateProv', 'add_empty' => 'Please select one',
'criteria' => $stateCriteria), array('onchange' => 'setSubCountry

But when I try to save the form, I get a propel error saying that
state and province are not fields in the database.

What is the best way to deal with this?  The alternatives which come
to mind are:

1) Put the fields in a different form, which is not a propel form
2) Modify the save method or the updateObject method to exclude these
two fields somehow

Your help is greatly appreciated.


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