when i try to call this function with:

'inhoudnl' => new sfWidgetFormTextareaTinyMCE(
        'theme'   =>  sfConfig::get('app_tinymce_theme','advanced'),

it shows this in the html:

        <th><label for="pagina_inhoudnl">Inhoudnl</label></th>
                    <textarea class="tiny_mce" name="pagina[inhoudnl]"
id="pagina_inhoudnl">&lt;p&gt;html hier&lt;/p&gt;</textarea><script
    mode:                              "textareas",
    theme:                             "advanced",
    editor_selector:                   "tiny_mce",
    width:                             "550px",
    height:                            "350px",
    theme_advanced_toolbar_location:   "top",
    theme_advanced_toolbar_align:      "left",
    theme_advanced_statusbar_location: "bottom",
    theme_advanced_resizing:           true
theme_advanced_disable: "anchor,image,cleanup,help"
</script>        </td>

but i don't get the content ... is this a known issue and does anyone
knows a fix for this ?

Kind regards,

Jan De Coster

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