HI Chris,

r u using Propel ?

ok .....
if u r using propel then what u have to do is...

u r having the job_id in $job_id
$c = new Criteria();
$components = ComponentPeer::doSelect($c);

now all the components corresponding to that job_id are in $components

now if u hav $job_id and also the price then
$c = new Criteria();
$components = ComponentPeer::doSelect($c);

this will give u all the components related to that job id having that

On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 11:35 AM, ChrisM <c.marscha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone!
> I have 2 questions related to many to many relations and forms:
> 1) Let's say I have 2 Models/Tables "Job" and "Component". A Job is
> composed of several components. I would map this many to many relation
> in a table called JobComponent which would take the ID of a Job and
> the ID of a Component, and symfony can create a list box for me on the
> Job-Form where I can choose the components. But what if I need to have
> another field in JobComponent, let's say "Price"? How can I still
> select the components on the Job page AND also define a price for
> them?
> 2) Let's say I have furthermore Areas and Subareas of which a Job
> consists. I can easily add the areas and select the corresponding job
> for them, but how would I go and, on the same form, add several sub-
> areas to the area too? Is this possible? The problem is that I don't
> really have a connection to the job on the form which let's me add the
> subarea. I can only select the area there and I would need to know to
> which job it belongs (or append it to the name in __toString, but
> that's not optimal).
> I hope someone can point me into the right direction, or even give me
> some examples. Anything helps :)
> Thanks!
> Chris M.
> >


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