On Mar 8, 8:56 pm, Lawrence Krubner <lkrub...@geocities.com> wrote:
> I must have done something to damage one of my editSuccess forms (for
> my NewNews module), since I'm no longer able to create new entries,
> nor can I edit old entries. No errors are appearing either.
> What do I do?

This is the form that I have right now. It was generated by the Propel
crud command. I took all the table HTML junk, but other than that, I'm
not aware of making many changes. Can anyone see what I may have

<form action="<?php echo url_for('newnews/update'.(!$new_news->isNew
() ? '?id='.$new_news->getId() : '')) ?>" method="post" <?php $form-
>isMultipart() and print 'enctype="multipart/form-data" ' ?>>

          <?php echo $form->renderGlobalErrors() ?>

          <?php if (!$new_news->isNew()): ?>
            &nbsp;<?php echo link_to('Delete', 'newnews/delete?id='.
$new_news->getId(), array('post' => true, 'confirm' => 'Are you
sure?')) ?>
          <?php endif; ?>

          <p><?php echo $form['title']->renderLabel() ?> <br />
          <?php echo $form['title']->renderError() ?>
          <?php echo $form['title'] ?>

          <p><?php echo $form['description']->renderLabel() ?><br />
                  <?php echo $form['description']->renderError() ?>
          <?php echo $form['description'] ?>

                  <?php echo $form['active']->renderLabel() ?> (do you want
this published?)
                  <?php echo $form['active']->renderError() ?>
                  <?php echo $form['active'] ?>

          <p><?php echo $form['date']->renderError() ?>
          <?php echo $form['date'] ?>

        <?php echo $form['id'] ?>

                <p><input type="submit" value="Save" /></p>


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