Hi all,

I am currently trying to incorporate the ExtJS UI framework into a symfony
app. The existing plugin does not apprently work for symfony 1.1 so I found
a set of PHP classes that allow you to generate the correct JS for the UI.
My problem is that the ExtJS library has its own functions which populate a
div you designate for a specific UI element, in my case a Grid component. It
seems, however that somewhere along the way the JavaScript is not being
included that calling JavaScript function wants to put into the Div. The
JavaScript that populates this div:

<script type="text/javascript">
var ext_store = new Ext.data.Store({url:
'message_listing/jsonListAll',reader: new Ext.data.JsonReader
({root: 'list',totalProperty: 'total',id: 'id'}, [{name:
'classification',type: 'int'},{name: 'timestamp'
,type: 'date',dateFormat: 'Y-m-d'},{name: 'from_address'},{name:
'to_addresses'},{name: 'subject'}])
,baseParams: {"limit":25}});
ext_store.load({params: {"start":0,"limit":25}});
var ext_grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({bbar: new
Ext.PagingToolbar({store: ext_store,pageSize: 25,displayInfo
: 'Topics {0} - {1} of {2}',emptyMsg: 'No results found for the
current filters'}),store: ext_store,colModel
: new Ext.grid.ColumnModel([{header: 'Classification',dataIndex:
'classification',id: 'classification'
},{header: 'Date/Time',dataIndex: 'timestamp',id:
'timestamp',renderer: Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer
('Y-m-d H:i:s')},{header: 'From Address',dataIndex: 'from_address',id:
'from_address'},{header: 'To Address'
,dataIndex: 'to_addresses',id: 'to_addresses'},{header:
'Subject',dataIndex: 'subject',id: 'subject'
}]),stripeRows: true,autoExpandColumn: 'subject',height: 400,title:
'Test Message Listing Grid'});

And I then have a div under it with the ID 'ext_grid_div'.

Is this a symfony "protection" and if so is there anyway to stop it
from not allowing the JavaScript to run? This happens if I use the
symfony helper javascript_tag or explicitly put the <script> tags


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