its because it should be $this->getUser()->getGuardUser()->Profile

On Apr 20, 2:15 pm, Christian Haintz <>
> Hi
> I installed the Plugin as it is written in the Readme but i can't  
> access the Profile. I have the same symptoms as described in the Forum  
> Post [1] but the solution there is kind of a workaround than a real  
> solution i think.
> Is there probably an error in the getProfile Method in sf1.2 with  
> doctrine or do we miss something?
> My Schema.yml (not the same as in the Readme because in the readme i  
> think it is not valid doctrine schema syntax)
> sf_guard_user_profile:
>    actAs: [Timestampable]
>    className: sfGuardUserProfile
>    columns:
>      id:
>        type: integer
>        primary: true
>        autoincrement: true
>      user_id:
>        type: integer(4)
>        email: string(255)
>    relations:
>      sfGuardUser:
>        local: user_id
>        onDelete: CASCADE
> After i loaded the fixtures and logged in I try to access the Profile  
> like this from the Action:
> $this->getUser()->getProfile()->getEmail()
> Thx for any help,
> Christian
> [1]
> --
> Christian Haintz
> Student of Software Development and Business Management
> Graz, University of Technology

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