Hey Jon,

thanks for your reply.
yeah, that sounds right as far as permissions are concerned. I'm
pretty sure those are flexible enough to acomodate my needs.

What I am more concerned with is where I would store the extra fields
for each usertype..
a customer would have different fields than say, and admin, or
whatever other usertype I might think up later on..

I'm thinking I could store those in separate models and access them
via $user -> getProfile() which would return the appropriate model,
based on what usertype is currently logged in.. I'm just concerned
that by doing that I would confine the areas each usertype would be
able to move in, since some parts of the app would be expecting a
customer object, and others an admin profile..
Any thoughts on that?


On Apr 21, 3:35 pm, Jonathan Wage <jonw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The user type you speak of is a "group", and each group has a set of
> permissions. These permissions get turned in to credentials for the user.
> So, you create a list of permissions, locking down each individual piece of
> your functionality. Then you can create groups that give user access to some
> permissions. Granting them access to the functionality the permission is
> wrapped around.
> - Jon
> On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 5:16 PM, Richtermeister <nex...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I am working on a somewhat large multi-site cms setup (which is a
> > breeze with symfony's configurability), and I am wondering how much I
> > should tie my user-administration around the sfGuardPlugin. I have had
> > great experience with it when it comes to single usertypes (admins for
> > example), but in my current project, I will have admins and clients
> > (at least, possibly others).
> > So, one way I consider is to use the plugin to just manage general
> > userinfo (username & password) and access control (credentials), and
> > depending on the usertype, link either a customer model or an admin
> > model to the general userobject, via a getProfile() method or
> > something..
> > One caveat might be that "ideally" I'd like the administrators to be
> > able to assume client roles, so they can look at things from the
> > client perspective.. but it's probably enough to just auto-login as a
> > client and keep the session namespaces different between the
> > applications..
> > Either way, that's where' I'm at. Any experience with multi-users
> > sfGuardPlugin out there?
> > Thanks for your time,
> > and have a great day.
> > Daniel
> --
> Jonathan H. Wage
> Open Source Software Developer & 
> Evangelisthttp://www.jwage.comhttp://www.doctrine-project.orghttp://www.symfony-project.org
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