Ok cool - so it's a reserved word.
You can sometimes get around the reserved words (if you really want to and I
wouldn't suggest it) by putting the word in [].

-----Original Message-----
From: symfony-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:symfony-us...@googlegroups.com]
On Behalf Of joshuacoady
Sent: 13 May 2009 12:07
To: symfony users
Subject: [symfony-users] Re: Fatal error: Call to a member function end() on
a non-object in ... Hydrator/RecordDriver.php

You can safely delete the Dictionary relation to repeat the error ....
though I finally figured this out ... there's some sort of naming
collision because it doesnt like the foreignAlias of Data .. if I
change that to Data2 it works as expected.

On May 13, 2:06 am, "David Ashwood" <da...@inspiredthinking.co.uk>
> Hi Josh,
> The coffee is still sinking in - your schema appears to be incomplete -
> reference Dictionary but it doesn't appear to exist (at least in the
> you've provided).
> -----Original Message-----
> From: symfony-users@googlegroups.com
> On Behalf Of joshuacoady
> Sent: 13 May 2009 03:25
> To: symfony users
> Subject: [symfony-users] Fatal error: Call to a member function end() on a
> non-object in ... Hydrator/RecordDriver.php
> I'm getting the following error and cant figure out why.
> Fatal error: Call to a member function end() on a non-object in .../
> Doctrine/Hydrator/RecordDriver.php on line 51
> The relevant code in that file is:
>     public function getLastKey($coll)
>     {
>         $coll->end();
>         return $coll->key();
>     }
> It is expecting $coll to be of type Doctrine_Collection, but it is
> getting passed an array.
> The line that calls that is 218 of Hydrator.php:
> $identifierMap[$path][$id[$parent]][$id[$dqlAlias]] = $driver-
> >getLastKey($prev[$parent][$relationAlias]);
> Query to repeat:
> Doctrine_Query::create()
>          ->from('Entry e')
>          ->innerJoin('e.Data da')
>          ->innerJoin('e.MetaData md')
>          ->execute();
> I included the MetaData relationship because the relationship between
> Entry and EntryData is almost the same as Entry to EntryMeta, but the
> EntryData causes the error, i.e. if you remove the e.Data da join, the
> error goes away.
> My schema is as follows:
> Entry:
>   columns:
>     id:
>       type: integer
>       primary: true
>       autoincrement: true
>       notnull: true
>     dictionary_id:
>       type: integer
>       notnull: true
>     slug:
>       type: string(255)
>       notnull: true
>     headword:
>       type: string(255)
>       notnull: true
>     has_pronunciation:
>       type: boolean
>       default: false
>       notnull: true
>     html:
>       type: clob
>       notnull: true
>   options:
>     type: INNODB
>     collate: utf8_unicode_ci
>     charset: utf8
>   indexes:
>     slug:
>       fields: [slug]
>   relations:
>     Dictionary:
>       local: dictionary_id
>       foreign: id
>       foreignAlias: Entries
> EntryData:
>   columns:
>     id:
>       type: integer
>       primary: true
>       autoincrement: true
>       notnull: true
>     entry_id:
>       type: integer
>       notnull: true
>     name:
>       type: string(50)
>       notnull: true
>     type:
>       type: enum
>       values: [text, xml, html]
>       notnull: true
>     text:
>       type: clob
>       notnull: true
>   indexes:
>     uk_name_type:
>       fields: [entry_id, name, type]
>       type: unique
>   relations:
>     Entry:
>       local: entry_id
>       foreign: id
>       foreignAlias: Data
> EntryMeta:
>   columns:
>     id:
>       type: integer
>       primary: true
>       autoincrement: true
>       notnull: true
>     entry_id:
>       type: integer
>       notnull: true
>     type:
>       type: integer
>       notnull: true
>     value:
>       type: string(2000)
>       notnull: true
>   indexes:
>     uk_type:
>       fields: [entry_id, type]
>       type: unique
>   relations:
>     Entry:
>       local: entry_id
>       foreign: id
>       foreignAlias: MetaData
> A similar issue has been reported
> fa0d5a/532fc6ee8427cc04?#532fc6ee8427cc04
> Any ideas?

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