this thread might provide you some cool info

On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 10:10 AM, Frank Stelzer <d...@bleedingmoon.de> wrote:

> Hello,
> I want to write an article about best practises for performance,
> clustering etc. in symfony. I think there isn't enough information out
> there, which is talking about these topics.
> You all know the official performance documentation page (
> http://www.symfony-project.org/book/1_2/18-Performance
> ), but you only get information about quite common stuff and not, what
> you have to do, when you are using more than one web server.
> In the last months we discussed several mailings here, which included
> performance topics. But nevertheless, there is no central place, where
> all this information is written down.
> I am developing in symfony since years now and i still do not know how
> to handle symfony in a web cluster the best way (although we are using
> symfony applications in a web cluster with more than 40 machines).
> I am thinking about those topics:
> - move file cache to memcached OR use a shared/mounted directory for
> file caching
> - move session handling to memcached
> - use  a web service for logging and get rid of normal file logging OR
> use syslog
> - do not use ORM stuff in your web application and move it down a
> layer to a SOA application (REST or whatever)
> So, feel free to list all your performance tweaks. I hope i'll get
> enough information here for detailed article(s).
> Cheers,
> Frank
> >

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