2009/5/13 FlyLM [ML] <flylm...@gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> I use Admin Generator to allow Admin users to update the local part of
> an object.
> The shema's object is defined like below :
> ubCgu:
>    actAs:
>     Timestampable: ~
>     I18N:
>      fields: [content]
>      className: %CLASS%I18n
>    columns:
>      country_iso: { type:string(2), notnull:true }
>      label: { type:string(64), notnull:true }
>      content: { type:string, notnull:true }
>    relations:
>      ubCountry: { onDelete: CASCADE, local:country_iso, foreign: iso }
> When the user updates only the localized data (column named
> "content"), the "Timestampable" column named "updated_at" is not
> updated.
> Is it normal ??

I changed my schema to solve my problem. I set a "Timestampable" behavior on
the I18N fields.

      fields: [content]
        Timestampable: ~
      className: %CLASS%I18n
      country_iso: { type:string(2), notnull:true }
      label: { type:string(64), notnull:true }
      content: { type:string, notnull:true }
      ubCountry: { onDelete: CASCADE, local:country_iso, foreign: iso }

> If the user modifies a column of the main table,  for example the
> column named "label", the "Timestampable" column named "updated_at" is
> well updated.
> Thx
> Fabien

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