Clearly, I'm going about this all wrong. If anyone else out there who
has done this wants to chime in, I'd be grateful.

Out of desperation, I tried the straightforward approach, which I know
is a big hack:

 $arrayOfUrlParts = explode('/', $request->getParameter('redirect'));
 $model = $arrayOfUrlParts[0];
 $action = $arrayOfUrlParts[1];
 $queryString = '';
 for ($i=2; $i < count($arrayOfUrlParts); $i++)
    if ($i % 2 == 0 ) $queryString .= $arrayOfUrlParts[$i] . '=';
    if ($i % 2 != 0 ) $queryString .= $arrayOfUrlParts[$i] . '&';
 return $this->redirect($model.'/'.$action.'?'.$queryString);

If I simply echo this last bit to the screen, I can see that I'm
getting exactly what I need as an URL:


But I again get an infinite loop of redirection:

"Redirect Loop
Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for
this address in a way that will never complete."

So clearly, this adjustment is suppose to be made somewhere else in
the code. I'm not suppose to be working in sfGuardAuth - executeSignin
(). But where else do I make this adjustment?

On May 15, 11:16 pm, nick <> wrote:
> Interesting. I feel like I'm getting closer. Instead of getUri() I
> switched to using getPathInfo() in the form:
> <form action="<?php echo url_for('@sf_guard_signin') ?>"
> method="post">
>   <table>
>     <?php echo $form ?>
>   </table>
>   <input type="submit" value="sign in" />
>   <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="<?php echo substr
> ($sf_request->getPathInfo(), 1) ?>" />
> </form>
> I had to use substr() to remove the first "/" forward slash, otherwise
> the address was treated as absolute from the document root. I then
> changed actions.class.php like this:
> $this->finalRedirectInForm = $request->getParameter('redirect');
> return $this->redirect($this->finalRedirectInForm);
> This allowed me to escape the problem that I'd been having before -
> the problem of falling into an infinite loop of redirection. Now if I
> try to go here:
> frontend_dev.php/sfStar/starit/model/BailiwickQuestion/id/55
> I'm first redirected to the login screen, and then when that submits,
> I'm redirected here:
> frontend_dev.php/sfStar/starit
> I've now lost this part of the URL:
> model/BailiwickQuestion/id/55
> So I end up with a fatal error: method called on a non-object.
> Any thoughts?
> I can not believe how hard this is. Seems like this is a fairly common
> thing, that most Symfony developers probably do on most sites.
> On May 15, 10:15 pm, nick <> wrote:
> > On May 15, 2:48 pm, "David Ashwood" <>
> > wrote:
> > > Aye - so looking at the code you need to pass the referring URL to the 
> > > form
> > > from executeSignin.
> > > In the form them append the referrer to the post request with something 
> > > like
> > > "&referrer=url".
> > > Then in the isValid codeblock - pull out the param and use it in your
> > > redirect.
> > Are you suggesting (at the end of the process) handing the entire
> > urldecoded() url to $this->redirect()?
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