Good work David!

However, I'd recommend that if you intend to use a VM for development  
(I already do), that you build it yourself, so that it mirrors the  
exact configuration of your deployment environment. Unless you do  
that, using a VM provides very little benefit, as you still can't be  
sure that your application will behave exactly the same in your  
production environment.

What I do right now is have the same VM for all of our developers -  
when a new developer arrives they grab the image file from our server,  
and check out all of the necessary stuff from our repository  
(including things like PEAR). We have almost everything in SVN, which  
allows developers to easily make huge changes to their own VM, and if  
it is to be propagated to the live server, it's then checked into SVN,  
so that we can check out the changes from SVN directly onto the live  
server. A good example of this would be upgrading Symfony via PEAR. We  
do it on a developer VM, test, and if it works, we then commit the  
changed /usr/share/php/PEAR to SVN and from the live server(s) perform  
an "svn up" in the same directory. Instant, no hassle update :)

Every other developer then does the same - performs an "svn up" in  
their /usr/share/php/PEAR directory, so that everybody then has the  
same version of Symfony as the production environment.

At some point I'll resurrect my blog and make a blog post about how/ 
why to set up an effective development VM. I've just created a new one  
using Fedora 9 after we upgraded our servers, and put Fedora 9 on them  
instead of the previous Debian.

On 20 May 2009, at 13:54, David Ashwood wrote:

> Wotcha Guys and Gals,
> I’ve just launched a site which allows you to download a Virtual  
> Machine setup and ready to run against Symfony and Zend.
> It’s based on Ubuntu Server x86, comes with the latest versions of  
> Apache, MySQL, subversion, PHP & Zend – and includes Symfony 1.0,  
> 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 (via svn so it’s a snitch to refresh).
> It has the current versions of Pear & Pecl – so installing plugins  
> shouldn’t be a problem.  It comes with the Zend Server (community  
> edition) integrated – so you can remotely manage your environment  
> via a web browser.
> It’s deployed via OVF – so just download, extract and import into  
> your favourite Virtual Machine Client – otherwise I’d suggest  
> installing the VirtualBox Client ( which  
> works under Windows and *nix.
> The VM Images and complete info can be found at: and  
> the Issues tracking is at 
> With this type of approach you can develop and test against an  
> environment in a repeatable fashion.  By using the snapshot/rollback  
> features found in many VM Clients – you can roll back an environment  
> quickly and easily – allowing you to see deploy/test changes outside  
> of your production environment.
> >

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