propel:data-dump and propel-build-all-load works great for a small
database. Once your database reaches a certain size, this method is no
longer feasible as you continue to get php out of memory errors.

With a php.ini max memory set to 128mb, Ive found I usually reach this
limit when the database dump gets to around 10meg in size (you are
talking an average ~20,000 rows across your tables, where a table
might contain an average of 5/6 columns).

Once you hit these size limitations, using slinky66's method seems the
best way to go for me... (medium sized db's)

and I guess once that gets too big (large sized db's - 1m rows+) then
James Cauwelier's method seems like the way to go...

Would be interested to hear how other big sites handle this...


On May 24, 6:18 am, Lawrence <> wrote:
> On May 20, 9:50 am, slinky66 <> wrote:
> > I have not been able to find a best practice approach in the Symfony
> > docs for dealing with
> > schema changes as it relates to rebuilding the data model. Can someone
> > give me some guidance with this scenario?
> > Site is up and running and a few weeks later, a new column needs to be
> > added to the database.
> > Can some one describe the steps?
> If you work alone, you can do pretty much anything you want. We've a
> team of 5 programmers, scattered all over the world, so we need to be
> systematic. Our checklist:
> 1.) create a migration. test and debug on your local box.
> 2.) check it in.
> 3.) run the migration on the live site.
> 4.) (important!) do a symfony propel:data-dump > data/fixtures/
> frontend.yml
> 5.) run symfony propel:build-all-load
> 6.) when all works, make sure to check in the new fixture.
> 7.) run ‘php symfony cc’ after making so many changes.
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