Hi there,

I've been messing with sfDoctrineGuardPlugin for the last few days (as
you can notice from my posts in this period) and I'm running into a
strange problem.

- It is my understanding that a user "inherits" permissions from his
- It is also my understanding that during the signIn() method,
sfDoctrineGuard adds credentials for all permissions my user has so
that I can do a simple $sf_user->hasCredential('permission_name')
check on my templates.

However, when I add a user on my previously created "moderators" group
and run a hasCredential('delete_message') check on my user, it returns
false (delete_message is, of course, a permission that is set in the
moderators group).

The weird thing is that if I print $sf_user->getAllPermissionNames() ,
I get an array with all permissions inherited from the moderators
group, including the one I want. BUT $sf_user->listCredentials()
returns an empty set. Odd.

Any ideas?
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