It seems that my model was generated outside the standard lib.model
PHP package defined in propel.ini. When I generated my model using
lib.model, all worked.

So my question now is how to configure propel to generate model
classes outside the default lib.model package in a way that the admin
generator can find them? I've tried changing inside propel.ini without


On Jun 24, 2:03 pm, Gustavo <hartmann.gust...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a symfony project with two applications: core and manager. They
> share a simple model with 8 tables, one of which is called im_client.
> This table maps to two classes called Client and ClientPeer.
> I'm trying to use the admin generator to build a simple admin inside
> manager for this model, so I ran:
> symfony propel:generate-admin manager Client --module=client
> Everything went fine, no errors but when I go the the new module:
> https://dev/manager_dev.php/client
> I get this error:
> 500 | Internal Server Error | sfException
> The model class "Client" does not exist.
> stack trace
>     * at ()
>       in SF_ROOT_DIR/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/plugins/sfPropelPlugin/lib/
> generator/sfPropelGenerator.class.php line 155 ...
>              152.
>              153.     if (!$map)
>              154.     {
>              155.       throw new sfException(sprintf('The model class
> "%s" does not exist.', $this->modelClass));
>              156.     }
>              157.
>              158.     $this->tableMap = $map->getDatabaseMap()-
> >getTable(constant(constant($this-
> >modelClass.'::PEER').'::TABLE_NAME'));
> It looks like the manager application can't find my Client model
> class. Anyone knows what might the problem?
> Thanks,
> Gustavo
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