Using the sfContext instance in the model layer is a very often  
discussed topic in the last days. The latest one is this:


Fetching the context in the model is a very bad practise and you  
should find another way :)

One solution might be that you could bind the currently existing  
dispatcher from your task to the model. The model checks if a  
dispatcher exists and fires events afterwards.
Yeah, it's just another hack, but maybe better than the sfContext way  
(i do not like behaviours either, so i am open for every possible way).

quick hacked:
class MyModel
   public function bindDispatcher( $dispatcher )
     $this->dispatcher = $dispatcher;

   public function save()
     $this->fireEvent( 'MyModel.pre_save', .....);
     $tmp = parent::save();
     $this->fireEvent( 'MyModel.post_save', .....);

   protected function fireEvent( $event, .... )
     if( $this->dispatcher )
       $dispatcher->notify($event, ....);


Main problem: When you do not bind the dispatcher to the model, no  
event will be fired!!!


Am 26.06.2009 um 21:17 schrieb JoeZ:

> I just wanted to use the symfony 1.2 events extension mechanism with a
> propel object.
> I know there are several other ways, like propel behaviors and so, but
> I just don't want to use such a heavy machinery for what I want to do.
> I want an event to be fired when the method "setDesync()" of the
> "recurringInvoice" propel object is called. This way, the app can take
> some counter-measure when a recurring invoice goes out of sync for
> some reason.
> In the docs, they introduce the "dispatcher" object like this:
> ...
> class sfRestRequest
> {
>  protected $dispatcher = null;
>  public function __construct(sfEventDispatcher $dispatcher)
>  {
>    $this->dispatcher = $dispatcher;
>  }
> ....
> }
> like if the $dispatcher is supposed to be automatically passed to the
> class constructor.
> well, maybe all the classes which inherits from sfRequest have that,
> but it didn't work for my propel object, I guess the constructor
> doesn't get any $dispatcher object passed to it by default.
> So I got it through the sfContext singleton:
> class RecurringInvoice extends BaseRecurringInvoice
> ...
> protected $dispatcher = null;
> ...
> public function __construct()
> {
>  $this->dispatcher = sfContext::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher();
>  parent::__construct();
> }
> ...
> ...
> public function setDesync($v)
> {
>  if($v)
>  {
>    $this->dispatcher->notify(new sfEvent
> ($this,'recurring_invoice.desynchronized',array('id'=>$this->getId
> ())));
>  }
>  parent::setDesync($v);
> }
> it compiles at least. I didn't tested it yet, but when I used this
> propel object inside a custom symfony task I was doing:
> class CheckJobsTask extends sfPropelBaseTask
> {
> .....
> .....
> public function execute($arguments = array(), $options = array())
> {
> ...
> (all usual stuff to access database objects, etc ...)
> ...
> $this->inv = new RecurringInvoice();
> ....
> }
> I got the infamious "the default context doesn't exists" error.
> I guessed it was because of the sfContext::getInstance call at the
> propel object constructor, so I created the sfContext singleton within
> the task:
> public function execute($arguments = array(), $options = array())
> {
> ...
> ...
>    $configuration = ProjectConfiguration::getApplicationConfiguration
> ($options['application'], $options['env'], true);
>    sfContext::createInstance($configuration);
> ...
>   $this->inv = new RecurringInvoice();
> ...
> }
> and it worked!!!
> but the thing is. I already now all the tasks are able to throw
> events. that means the have some kind of access to the dispatcher , so
> what I want to do is to access the dispatcher from the propel object
> without having to make a call to the sfContext singleton, just using
> something that allow me to integrate it within a task seamlessly .
> txs in advance.
> >

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