You can try to deal with upload file at form doSave().

It is wired for embedded form with upload file.

but I use the doSave() to deal with, it works, but I don't think it is
good solution.

Good luck

On Jul 4, 4:13 pm, jmaicher <> wrote:
> Hey!
> I've been spending hours and hours to find a way to upload a file in
> an embedded form. But I couldn't find a solution yet. :-(
> It seems to be a common bug and there is already a ticket (http://
> But I don't use doctrine forms.
> I tried everything, including the workaround 
> on
> Unfortunately with no success.
> Please, do you guys have any suggestions for me?!
> Here is my form:
> class JobForm extends sfForm
> {
>   public function JobForm()
>   {
>     ...
>     $this->embedForm("step2", new JobForm_Step2());
>     ...
>   }
> }
> class JobForm_Step2 extends sfForm
> {
>   public function configure()
>   {
>      ...
>      $this->setWidget("image", new sfWidgetFormInputFile());
>      # define validator for image
>     $configData = sfConfig::get("app_job_image");
>     $this->setValidator("image", new sfValidatorFile(array(
>         "required"  => false,
>         "path"  => sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir') . $configData
> ['upload_dir'] ,
>         "mime_types"  => array('image/jpeg', 'image/jpg'),
>         "max_size"  => $configData['max_size'] * 1024
>     ), array(
>         "mime_types"  =>  "Es werden nur Bilder im JPEG-Dateiformat
> unterstützt",
>         "max_size"  =>  "Dein ausgewähltes Bild ist zu groß (maximal ".
> $configData['max_size']." Kilobyte)"
>     )));
>      ...
>   }
> }
> Here is my action:
> ...
> $this->form->bind($request->getParameter($this->form->getName()),
> $request->getFiles($this->form->getName()));
> ...
> if(!$this->form['step2']['image']->hasError() && is_object($this->form
> ['step2']['image']->getValue()))
> {
>   # upload
> }
> $this->form['step2']['image']->getValue() is always NULL. Furthermore
> $request->getFiles($this->form->getName()) is empty. How can that be??
> The $_FILES array is not empty, so the files has been correctly sent
> to the server.
> I could really need some help here! Thanks,
> Julian
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