
In model file (in lib/model dir) put a code:

public function getDNI()
  return $this->getNumberDigit()().'-'.$this->getDvDigit();

In form class (in lib/form) of model, put a code:

  public function configure() {

    // hidden fields
    unset (
      $this['number_digit'], $this['dv_digit']

More details, see
http://www.symfony-project.org/book/1_0/08-Inside-the-Model-Layer and

2009/7/6 master.soccer <master.soc...@gmail.com>
> Hi:
> How to display 2 fields from a table in one row???. Must
> have a common label.
> For example:
> DNI : [number_digit] - [dv_digit]
> FIRST NAME: [first_name]
> LAST NAME: [last name]
> [number_digit] - [dv_digit] show in one line.
> I am using the:
> <?php echo $form ?>
> in the _form.php view of de module.
> Thanks
> MS
> >

Boa Sorte e a Paz do Senhor,

[:>} Alan Cândido ><>

Analista de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento
DBA, Work-flow, Datawarehouse e Portais
Intranet, Extranet e Internet
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