Ok this is how I did it, but everything is outside a form / table

Partial to override default admin generator field venue_id

<?php use_helper('Javascript')?>

<div class="sf_admin_form_row sf_admin_foreignkey">
  <?php echo $form['venue_id']->renderError() ?>
    <?php echo $form['venue_id']->renderLabel('Venue') ?>

    $w = new sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoice(array('model' => 'District',
'add_empty' => '--Filter by District--'));
    echo $w->render('district_id', null, array('id' =>

    <?php echo observe_field('district', array(
        'update'   => 'district-select',
        'url'      => '/admin.php/course/selectVenue',
        'with'     => "'district=' + value",
        'loading'  => "Element.show('indicator');Element.hide('gp-
        'complete' => "Element.hide('indicator');Element.show('gp-
    )) ?>

    <span id="district-select"><?php echo $form['venue_id']->render
($attributes) ?></span>

    <div id="indicator" style="display: none"></div>


AJAX action to return filtered select

  public function executeSelectVenue($request){


    $q = Doctrine_Query::create()
    ->from('Venue v')
    ->where('v.district_id  = ?', $request->getParameter('district'));

    $w = new sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoice(array('model' => 'Venue',
'query' => $q));
    return $this->renderText($w->render('course[venue_id]'));


It feels odd to create widgets in the partial / action but overkill to
create an additional class? What does everyone think?

I'll make a snipeet of this when its tidy! (and Refactored
properly :-)

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