Jon can comment on Doctrine internals.
As far as I can say: wow 50k objects.
Try PHP 5.3 because it finally has a GC that not only uses reference counting.


On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 1:56 PM, Ken Golovin<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am processing a large XML, the module I created iterates through
> about 50,000 records, creates an object for each record and saves it
> to the DB, and am running into memory issues. The memory usage
> measured by memory_get_usage() keeps growing with each new object
> created.
> I have tried flushing the Doctrine's identity map and unsetting the
> objects like this:
> $product->getTable()->clear();
> unset($product);
> however that did not help at all
> Is there anything else I can do to free up memory?
> >

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