On Mon, 10 Aug 2009, soltani samir wrote:

> Hi
> the form class in this path:
> /var/www/sf_sandbox/lib/form/DocumentForm.class.php
> and the structure is :
> <?php
> class DocumentForm extends sfForm
> {
>   protected static $vtypedoc = array('facture', 'bon de commande',
> 'tunisiana', 'RH', 'cnss', 'bank', 'appel d\'offre','autre'  );
>   protected static $vclassement = array('facture', 'bon de commande',
> 'devis', 'reglement', 'CV', 'administratif', 'lettre de demande',
> 'consultation', 'appel d\'offre','autre'  );
>   protected static $vreges = array('entrant', 'sortant' );
>   public function configure()
>   {
>     $widgetSchema = new sfWidgetFormSchema(array(
>      // 'registre'     => new sfWidgetFormSelectRadio(array('choices' =>
> self::$vreges)),
>       'date'         => new sfWidgetFormDate(),
>       'type'         => new sfWidgetFormSelect(array('choices' =>
> self::$vtypedoc)),
>       'source'       => new sfWidgetFormInput(),
>       'destination'  => new sfWidgetFormInput(),
>       'description'  => new sfWidgetFormTextarea(),
>       'classement'   => new sfWidgetFormSelect(array('choices' =>
> self::$vclassement)),
>       'Commentaires' => new sfWidgetFormTextarea(),
>     ));
>     $widgetSchema->setNameFormat('document[%s]');
>     $this->setWidgetSchema($widgetSchema);
>   }
> }

So the error message is correct: there is no save() method in your form 


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