I'm trying to implement the with_show feature on an admin module, but
it appears that it just doesn't work 'out of the box' yet.
I noticed that when you set the with_show parameter to true, and you
render the module on the web browser, on the cache/backend/[env]/
modules/auto[module]/templates directory you can see a template named
I'm using symfony-1.2.7 and this is what I have done:

1) I created my own show action for the module:

class expenseActions extends autoExpenseActions
  public function executeListShow(sfWebRequest $request)
    $this->tnl_expense = TnlExpensePeer::retrieveByPk($request-

2) Changed the generator.yml file to add my show object_action:

  class: sfPropelGenerator
    model_class:                    TnlExpense
    theme:                             admin
    non_verbose_templates: false
    with_show:                        true

          show:  ~

3) Created the ListShowSuccess.php template for rendering the action

This is the way I added the show feature, but it's not at all as
customizable as using the full power of a generator, and I know that
this will be a temp solution.

Has someone accomplished to add the with_show feature into their
generator successfully?

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