
I've just generated my first symfony 1.2 admin module using the
propel:generate-admin command. That aspect worked fine, no problems.

However, I am unable to sort the data in the list view. The column
titles can be clicked, but no sorting query string is in the URL. The
URL is simply the URL for the list, e.g. '/administrators.html'.

Looking at the auto-generated files, the sorting parameters are
definitely being passed into the link_to() function on the end of the
routing rule, e.g.

link_to(__('ID', array(), 'messages'), '@admin_user?

And looking at the actual routing rule, I can't see anything that
would stop the sorting working, e.g.

  class: sfPropelRouteCollection
    model:                AdminUser
    module:               administrators
    prefix_path:          administrators
    column:               id
    with_wildcard_routes: true

Because the query string parameters are definitely being passed in the
link_to() function, I figured it has to be something to do with the
routing rule ignoring them.

Any ideas?

Fyi, I took the sorting query string and placed it on the end of the
URL manually and the sorting actually works, just the title links in
the list table aren't generating properly.
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