Hi there,

I'm developing in Symfony 1.2.4, using Propel and MySQL as my

I've written a task that:

1. grabs a set of CSV files from a reporting source
2. uploads the CSV files using MySQL's 'load data infile ... ' syntax

It's step 2 above that is proving to be problematic.

The problem is that I keep getting an error saying, "SQLSTATE[42000]:
Syntax error or access violation: 1148 The used command is not allowed
with this MySQL version"

I write the query string to my debug log, cut n paste it into the CLI
of MySQL and it executes perfectly.

The code:

                $connection = Propel::getConnection();

                $taskLoad = "load data local infile '%s' into table task FIELDS
terminated by ',' optionally enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\
\n' IGNORE 1 LINES (task_id, ord_type_code, actn_type_code, order_no,
customer_name, product_desc, status, task_name, @rfs_rev_date,
@ms_rev_date, @ms_signoff_date, signoff_person, ack_by,
jeop_type_code, product_group, priority, actn_opt, sales_manager,
work_group, @crd, crd_days, access, monitor, serv_comp_ind, designer,
deps_signed_off, sales_reference, site_code, street, suburb,
post_code, state, @last_dep_signoff, cnd_project) SET rfs_rev_date =
str_to_date(@rfs_rev_date, '%%Y-%%m-%%d'), ms_rev_date = str_to_date
(@ms_rev_date, '%%Y-%%m-%%d'), ms_signoff_date = str_to_date
(@ms_signoff_date, '%%Y-%%m-%%d'), crd = str_to_date(@crd, '%%Y-%%m-%
%d'), last_dep_signoff = str_to_date(@last_dep_signoff, '%%Y-%%m-%

                //note the dates have %% (to escape the %) when we do a 

                $taskLoad = sprintf($taskLoad,$file);

running this: ".$taskLoad);

                try {
                        $statement = $connection->prepare($taskLoad);
                        $result = $statement->execute();
                }catch (Exception $e){
error ".$e->getMessage());

I've ensured that the user in question has been granted the global
FILE permission in order to allow them to run 'load data infile ... '.

As mentioned above, the query I write to the debug log works just fine
when executed via the CLI.

Any ideas where I could be going wrong?

Thanks for your help...
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