On Thu, 3 Sep 2009, Germana Oliveira wrote:

> I have this Code:
> class DenunciaForm extends BaseDenunciaForm
> {
>   public function configure()
>   {
>     parent::configure();
>      $this->widgetSchema['remitido'] = new sfWidgetFormChoice(array(
>                                         'choices' => array('f' =>
> 'Fiscalizacion', 'c' => 'Conciliacion')
>     ));
>     $this->widgetSchema['detalle'] = new sfWidgetFormTextArea(array(),
> array('cols' => '90', 'rows' => '10'));
>     $this->setValidators(array(
>       'denunciado_id'   => new sfValidatorString(array('required' =>
> false)),
>       'denunciante_id'  => new sfValidatorString(array('required' =>
> false)),
>       'detalle'         => new sfValidatorString(
>                                array('required' => true),
>                                array('required' => 'Campo Requerido')
>                                ),
>       'categoria_id'    => new sfValidatorPropelChoice(array('model' =>
> 'Categoria', 'column' => 'id')),
>       'ilicito_id'      => new sfValidatorPropelChoice(array('model' =>
> 'Ilicito', 'column' => 'id')),
>       'remitido'        => new sfValidatorChoice(array(
>                                'choices' => array('f' =>
> 'Fiscalizacion', 'c' => 'Conciliacion')
>                             )),
>     ));
>     $this->widgetSchema->setLabels(array(
>       'categoria_id' => 'Categoria',
>       'ilicito_id'   => 'Ilicito',
>       'remitido'     => 'Remitir a'
>     ));
> The problem is that no matter what i chose in the 'remitido' field, it 
> always show the 'invalid' error message.
> How can i fix this??

Is it a required field? If its optional then you can do something like:

$this->validatorSchema['remitido']->setOption('required', false);

inside your configure() method.


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