Thanks, looking at that link it seems to be exactly what we are
experiencing. Would you know a way we could turn that session locking off
within symfony? I am not too fond of the example given in that link.

On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 1:57 PM, Sid Bachtiar <>wrote:

> It is most likely due to PHP session locking:
> On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 11:45 PM, Gareth McCumskey <>
> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > We have encountered an odd problem that I believe should not be
> happening.
> > Let me try and describe it as best I can.
> >
> > We have a symfony developed application using the Prototype javascript
> > library. One of our pages (and others) make multiple ajax calls on load.
> > Basically we have a few div's on one page that needs to be populated with
> > the ajax returns. What seems to be happening though is instead of each
> ajax
> > call going to the server at the same time, we have the ajax calls
> queuing.
> > What this means is that if one ajax call takes a long time to return a
> > result (because of server load for example) all the other ajax calls wait
> > until that item has recieved its response before they make their requests
> to
> > the server.
> >
> > Even if, while these ajax elements are waiting for a response, the user
> > clicks another link to another part of the site, the browser will not
> load
> > the new page until all the ajax calls are complete.
> >
> > We have thought of a number of possible causes but are struggling to
> figure
> > out where this may happen. Is it the ajax itself that only allows one
> > connection (client-side), the apache server limiting the number of
> > connections per client, the PHP server only allowing processing of one
> > request per client etc.
> >
> > Any insight to this problem would be greatly appreciated.
> >
> > --
> > Gareth McCumskey
> >
> > twitter: @garethmcc
> >
> > >
> >
> --
> Blue Horn Ltd - System Development
> >

Gareth McCumskey
twitter: @garethmcc

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