To add some more info to last post, here is what you need to put in
the "lib/form/*YourTableName*Form.class.php"  file:

// Redefine primary keys as Dropdown lists
$this->widgetSchema['your_primary_key'] = new
sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoice(array('model' => 'your_model', 'add_empty'
=> false));


On 28 juil, 17:27, François CONSTANT <>
> Hi,
> First of al, check the html out to see if there is a hidden field,
> there must be !
> I use Propel but it must be the same. Look to the generated form in
> lib/forms/base/Base*YourTableName*Form.class.php
> You should see that : 'id'   => new sfWidgetFormInputHidden(), in
> setWidget.
> So, what U have to do is editing this widget in lib/form/
> *YourTableName*Form.class.php
> Hope it helps,
> On Jul 28, 12:00 pm, bouda25 <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I have generated my first application with Symfony+Doctrine. But when
> > I open a form there is no input zone corresponding to aprimarykey
> > column of my tables. I am wondering if I have done anything wrong? Is
> > there any way to get these inputs displayed?
> > I have searched the forum but didn't get anything relating to this
> > matter.
> > Thanks in advance
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