
thanks for the answer.
at 1) AFAIK <style> should ony be in <head>,  and I cannot put anything 
in <head> in my template, this would have to be in layout.php, and there 
I think I cannot access $this->style from the action, or can I?
at 2 a) b) I only want to change one value dynamically for each request, 
so this css would have to be it's own action. I would like to avoid the 
overhead to create the action and add another request from the browser 
that slows down the page load.
at 2 c) same reason like 1, I can't put anything in <head> from the 


Alexandru-Emil Lupu schrieb:
> 1)  in your action $this->style = '<style></style>'; and then in your 
> templates echo $foo;
> 2) alternative css for the pages you want modified.
> a)  from module/config/view.yml add
> action:
>   stylesheets: ["/alternate_index"] # check the doc
> b) in your template add
> <?php use_stylesheets("/alternate_index") ?>
> c) add it by hand in your template
> I would recomend just 2a or 2b, as being most appropriate for a long 
> term maintainability.
> Alecs
> On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 11:16 PM, Georg Gell <geor...@have2.com 
> <mailto:geor...@have2.com>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     how can I include some custom style information in a specific
>     template?
>     I would like to change the size of some divs fitting to the items
>     in them.
>     So i think i am looking for a way to insert something like
>     <style>.item{width:17px}</style> into the template, where the 17px
>     will
>     be different for each request.
>     I could create a helper for that, and use it in layout.php, but what
>     information is available to this helper during the time it is used?
>     Probably nothing from the action?
>     Any ideas?
>     Georg
> -- 
> As programmers create bigger & better idiot proof programs, so the 
> universe creates bigger & better idiots!
> I am on web:  http://www.alecslupu.ro/
> I am on twitter: http://twitter.com/alecslupu
> I am on linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/alecslupu
> Tel: (+4)0748.543.798
> >

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