you can also have a look at
it's in french but the apache configuration should be enough to

On Sep 19, 3:55 am, kp <> wrote:
> Sounds like what you are doing is correct, and it's the way I do it
> (for local machine development).  I create a separate vhost for each
> Symfony site, tweak the paths, and add an entry to my hosts file.
> If each each project has a lib/vendor/symfony folder you can run
> different versions of Symfony on your machine.
> You can also create separate vhosts for each of your apps within a
> project.  Create sub-directories under /web for each app, move the
> front controller files into them, along with the css and images
> folders or any other assets, and then tweak your vhost paths.
> example:
> <VirtualHost *:80>
>         ServerAdmin
>         ServerName
>         DocumentRoot    /var/www/project/web/frontend
>         DirectoryIndex index.php
>         Alias /sf "/var/www/project/lib/vendor/symfony/data/web/sf"
>         ErrorDocument 400 /index.php/errors/error404
>         ErrorDocument 401 /index.php/errors/error404
>         ErrorDocument 403 /index.php/errors/error404
>         ErrorDocument 404 /index.php/errors/error404
>         <Directory "/var/www/project/lib/vendor/symfony/data/web/sf">
>           AllowOverride All
>           Allow from All
>         </Directory>
>         <Directory "/var/www/project/web/frontend">
>           AllowOverride All
>           Allow from All
>         </Directory>
> </VirtualHost>
> Or if your apps share a lot of the same assets, keep all your common
> files under /web and create aliases that point to them like this:
>         Alias /css "/var/www/project/web/css"
>         Alias /images "/var/www/project/web/images"
> Kris
> On Sep 18, 3:48 am, Davide Borsatto <> wrote:
> > Hi everybody,
> > Lately I've been doing many experiments with symfony, creating
> > differents projects for each of them.
> > I usually create an apache dedicated virtual host, with a defined
> > server name, link to the web/ directory of symfony, and add a row to
> > the /etc/hosts file to match the new server name.
> > I'm sure this is not the best way to achieve the result...
> > Indeed, I was thinking that it would be cool to reach multiple symfony
> > projects with url like
> >http://project1.localhost/http://project2.localhost/
> > Where Apache understands that project1 is a directory, and builds the
> > path like this
> > /var/www/symfony_projects/:project/web
> > So I could simply create a new directory with a symfony project
> > inside, and it would be ready to go.
> > My point is: is there any way to configure Apache to make this happen?
> > And the file /etc/hosts supports "wildcard hosts"?
> > I'm a PHP programmer, and I'm not familiar with the Apache
> > configuration. I simply copy and paste the virtual host file and
> > change a few things to match this or that directory.
> > I'd really love to set up Apache this way, hope you guys can help.
> > Thanks!
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