I just did "grep -R catch *" on the core symfony files. These are the
catch clauses in the Symfony core:


Not sure where to start to look, but I would assume that Symfony
normally catches the exceptions that it throws, and that your
situation is arising due to something specific that you've done. I
could be wrong, though

On Sep 24, 4:34 am, ollietb <ollie.harri...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi there
> I've noticed that my PHP logs are full of thousands of PHP Fatal
> error: Uncaught exception 'sfStopException' errors whenever an action
> is forwarded or redirected. It's making it hard for me to debug
> errors. The offending code is in the sfAction class. Here is one
> example.
>   public function forward($module, $action)
>   {
>     $this->getController()->forward($module, $action);
>     throw new sfStopException();
>   }
> The sfStopException is thrown but not caught. I'm thinking of using
> set_exception_handler() in the projectConfiguration class to override
> the default exception handler if an exception is not caught within a
> try/catch block. The exception handler would simply be a a function
> which die()s the current execution. Do any of you sfExperts have an
> opinion on this? Would it be better to override the forward method in
> my own Actions class?
> I'm running Symfony 1.1 on OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release
> 5.3 (Tikanga) 54 and PHP Version: 5.2.10 (eAccelerator is not
> installed)
> Thanks,
> -ollie
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