Hey Chris,

that all being said the kind of tracking you're looking to do is
really best handled by Google Analytics / Omniture, etc..
Gives you much more insights into your visitor behavior, supports
goals & funnels..


On Sep 26, 6:54 am, Chris Renfrow <frowt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks very much for the help guys. I feel so stupid, I was even
> looking at the filters and for some dump reason I thought they where
> per-module. This should work great for me, thanks for the help.
> On Sep 26, 1:50 am, Ian <ian.domi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > It sounds to me like what you want to use is a filter.
> >http://www.symfony-project.org/book/1_0/06-Inside-the-Controller-Laye...
> > If that section of the documentation isn't enough to help you then
> > post again and I'm sure somebody (myself included) could show you
> > exactly how to do it.
> > On Sep 26, 2:55 am, Chris Renfrow <frowt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I want to track the referrer of a user until they go and create a cart
> > > so that I can store the referrer in their cart and track my
> > > conversions based on referrers and keywords. My entire site is in
> > > symfony and I have a few custom plugins that I run for CMS pages and
> > > an online store. I am looking for a way to execute some code an ANY
> > > request for a given app. I would prefer to run this as soon as the
> > > framework is done initializing and before the actions class is
> > > executed. I could go into each plugin and create a preExecute but that
> > > is just sloppy, symfony has to give you a way to this this better. Any
> > > advice would be great, I spent the last hour searching so I figured I
> > > would just ask at this point.
> > > What I plan on doing is storing any foreign referrer in a session and
> > > then when we create a new cart just dump the session in the database.
> > > Thanks.
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