
I'm trying to call the following using Doctrine from within Symfony:

$result= Doctrine_Query::create()
                        ->from('EventInstance EI')
                        ->where('((SELECT MONTH(EI.datePerformed)) = ?)',  
                        ->execute(array(), Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY);

However I get an error back and one portion of the stack looks like

at Doctrine_Connection->execute('SELECT e.dateperformed AS
e__dateperformed, e.memberid AS e__memberid, e.eventname AS
e__eventname, e.amount AS e__amount, e.notes AS e__notes FROM
eventinstance e WHERE () = ?', array(9))in SF_ROOT_DIR\lib\vendor
\Query\Abstract.php line 992 ...

Notice the subquery on MONTH() has vanished from the query string. Is
this a bug or have I done something wrong here? I'm pretty sure the
SQL logic here is correct. I ran it through the mysql command line and
it worked fine.

Any suggestiong would be appreciated. Thanks.


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