thanks for the expaination, just one more question, how come then that
to a function does correctly assign the $modelName var to $mName? is
there a difference between reading and setting $this-> ?


On Oct 17, 11:52 pm, Ant Cunningham <ant.cunning...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In the context of an action $this->$var refers to the variable container
> for the resulting view, not the the Actions class instance itself (check
> out the __get and __set magic methods for sfComponent). The view then
> gets local access to everything in its variable container. By defining
> the varibale as a public member to your actions class you are not
> assigning it to the view... only the Actions.
> mbernasocchi wrote:
> > hi, I'd like to expose a variable (the name of the model used by a
> > module) from the action to the template so that I just have to define
> > it once for the whole class.
> > If I do
> > [code]
> > class openmodelActions extends sfActions
> > {
> >   public $modelName='OpenModel';
> >   public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request)
> >   {
> >     $this->mName=$this->modelName;
> >     $this->categories = Doctrine::getTable('Category')
> >       ->getWithBubbles($this->modelName);
> >   }
> > }
> > [/code]
> > and <?php echo $mName;?> in the template it works. But if I don't do
> > $this->mName=$this->modelName;
> > in the execute index and call <?php echo $modelName;?> in the
> > template, I get a variable undefined warning.
> > any Ideas?
> > Tanks Marco
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