You should isolate your system call, for example making an interfaced class

class myShell
  public function execute($command)
     // your stuff

And use this class to make some actions, for example logging the command
before executing.

Check what command is executed, check the return values, etc.

Read the doc :

Use the 2nd and 3rd argument to retrieve output & return code, make some
var_dump. Your method code should look like this :

$this->log("Executing command $command");
exec($command, $returnValue, $returnCode);
$this->log("Return code : $returnCode");
$this->log("Output : ".implode("\n", $returnValue));

Tell us output and return code.


2009/10/23 mel_06 <>

> i'm just new to symfony, i'm having trouble with using ffmpeg on
> symfony. i just modified this code which work properly on code igniter
> framework for symfony. but it doesn't save the 10sec audio file on the
> directory path? and i need to save this as well to the database?
> here's my code:
> public function executeIndex($request)
>  {
>    $this->form = new WebsiteForm();
>    if ($request->isMethod('post'))
>    {
>      $this->form->bind($request->getParameter('website'), $request-
> >getFiles('website'));
>      if ($this->form->isValid())
>        {
>          $file = $this->form->getValue('file');
>          $filename = 'uploaded_'.sha1($file->getOriginalName());
>          $extension = $file->getExtension($file->getOriginalExtension
> ());
>          $file->save(sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir').'/'.$filename.
> $extension);
>          $uploaded = $this->form->save();
>          $ffmpegPath = 'c:\wamp\bin\ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg.exe';
>          $sourcePath =
> sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir').'/'.$uploaded->getFile
> ();;
>          $destinationPath = sfConfig::get
> ('sf_upload_dir').'/'.'_preview'.$uploaded->getFile();;
>          if ( $this->form->getValue('streamtype') == '10' ) {
>          exec($ffmpegPath.' -i '.$sourcePath.' -t 10 -acodec copy '.
> $destinationPath);
>         unlink($sourcePath);
>        ($destinationPath, sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir').$filename.
> $extension);
>          }
>          $this->redirect('website/show?id='.$uploaded->getId());
>        }
>    }
>  }
> i would really appreciate some help. thanks guys!
> >

Alexandre Salomé --

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