If you search the mailing list archives, there are plenty of instances  
where I've talked about this before...

Usually, it's caused when a type-cast arg is required by a function,  
and the incorrect type of arg is supplied...


public function addComment(Comment $comment)

Where addComment is expecting a Comment object, but for some reason or  
another it gets supplied something else (most commonly NULL or FALSE,  
because a previous call to retrieve or create the Comment object  
returned NULL/FALSE).

If you use sfErrorHandlerPlugin, it can catch most of these errors for  

On 24 Oct 2009, at 02:35, larry wrote:

> My site seems to be dying on this line:
> <?php include_component('category', 'categoryOld') ?>
> I look in the error log and I find no fatal error, only errors and
> warnings, none fatal. What could suppress a fatal error so it doesn't
> show up in the error log?
> >

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