Cool - great to see it ready for sf 1.3

On Wed, 28 Oct 2009 18:49:21 +0100, Tom Boutell <> wrote:

> Version 1.1.0 of sfDoctrineApplyPlugin has been released.
> Two important changes you need to understand before upgrading:
> 1. A security improvement. Previously usernames and full names were
> not validated apart from their length. Now usernames are required to
> contain only "word characters" (letters, digits and underscores), and
> full names may still contain a wide range of characters but never
> these:
> < > & |
> The first three should be self-explanatory: full names are now safe to
> echo unescaped. Many devs probably weren't doing that, but I suspect
> that most devs were echoing usernames unescaped (they are validated to
> be safe in most systems). So they will definitely want this upgrade.
> We have provided a task to clean up existing usernames and full names.
> This task produces a report to help you inform any users who need to
> be notified that their username has changed:
> ./symfony sfDoctrineApply:clean-names
> 2. sfDoctrineApplyPlugin now uses Zend Mail. We are using it because
> at the time we made the decision to switch, SwiftMail had not yet been
> taken under Fabien's wing, our other plugins already required Zend,
> SwiftMail 3.0 had been terminated and we didn't want to require two
> external libraries where one would do.
> This change requires a few modifications to your app.yml if you are
> specifying an alternate mailer. If you are using the default mailer
> you will not need to make changes, apart from installing Zend if you
> do not already have it (for instance, for search).
> Today, of course, we know that SwiftMail is blessed by Fabien and will
> be included in Symfony 1.3. So I understand if you find this change a
> little odd. However, you can easily override our use of Zend Mail by
> subclassing the sfApply controller class in your application.
> * * *
> "Why did you forbid | in full names?"
> We forbade | because it is part of our favorite microformat for lists
> of unambiguous full names in sfGuard apps:
> John Doe (jdoe) | Jane Smith (jsmith) | John Doe (jdoe2)
> This is handy when passing lists of users as form fields etc. and
> allows for nifty progressive enhancement stuff on the client side.

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