I just try with an other computer, I've updated the working copy and
the "data-load" works fine ^^
Sorry for the noise.


2009/10/29 FlyLM [ML] <flylm...@gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> I use Symfony 1.3 (with doctrine) and my application database schema
> overrides the database schema of the plugin "sfDoctrineGuardPlugin".
> My "sf_guard_user" definition look like that :
> **************************************************************************
> sfGuardUser:
>  actAs: [Timestampable]
>  columns:
>    id: { type: integer(4), primary: true, autoincrement: true }
>    username: { type: string(128), notnull: true, unique: true }
>    gender: { type: enum, values: ['Mr','Mrs','Miss'], notnull: true }
>    first_name: { type: string(255), notnull: true }
>    last_name: { type: string(255), notnull: true }
>    email: { type: string(255), unique: true, notnull: true }
>    algorithm: { type: string(128), default: sha1, notnull: true }
>    salt: { type: string(128) }
>    password: { type: string(128) }
>    is_active: { type: boolean, default: 1 }
>    is_super_admin: { type: boolean, default: false }
>    last_login: { type: timestamp }
>  indexes:
>    is_active_idx:
>      fields: [is_active]
>  relations:
>    groups: { class: sfGuardGroup, local: user_id, foreign: group_id,
> refClass: sfGuardUserGroup, foreignAlias: Users }
>    permissions: { class: sfGuardPermission, local: user_id, foreign:
> permission_id, refClass: sfGuardUserPermission, foreignAlias: Users }
> **************************************************************************
> I have added 4 columns : gender, first_name, last_name and email.
> All works fine until I try to load data like this :
> **************************************************************************
> sfGuardUser:
>  sgu_admin:
>    username:       admin
>    password:       admin
>    gender:         Mr
>    first_name:     admin
>    last_name:      admin
>    email:          admin-...@cnsx.net
>    is_super_admin: false
>  sgu_superadmin:
>    username:       adminsu
>    password:       adminsu
>    gender:         Mr
>    first_name:     superadmin
>    last_name:      superadmin
>    email:          superadmin-...@cnsx.net
>    is_super_admin: false
> **************************************************************************
> All additional method (setGender, setFirstName, etc...) seems to be
> unknown (Console message : Unknown method sfGuardUser::setGender ).
> Can you see a mistake, or it a bug of Symfony 1.3 ? I don't understand.
> Thx,
> Fabien
> ps: sorry for my english.

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