Options are passed as an array to the second argument.

$this->form = new ContactForm(array(), array("firm" => $firm));

Then in your form class:


Although in your case - if you are just trying to set defaults you can
use the first array for that.

On Nov 8, 10:10 pm, dziobacz <aaabbbcccda...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have array:
> $firm['Translation']['pl']['address'] = "aaaa";
> $firm['Translation']['pl']['description'] = "bbbbb";
> $firm['Translation']['en']['address'] = "ccccc";
> $firm['Translation']['en']['description'] = "ddddd";
> In action I am trying to pass this array to the form:
> $this->form = new ContactForm($firm);
> In form I want to get value from table and pass it to the default
> value to input:
> $this->setDefault('contact', $firm['Translation']['pl']['address']);
> But it makes error:
> Undefined variable: firm
> So what is going on ?
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