I'm new with symfony and I'm having some problems with embeding
I have the following scenario with a Curriculum Vitae and asociated
schema-yml using doctrine:

  tableName: bolsadetrabajo_cv
  actAs: { Timestampable: ~ }
    id: { type: integer(4), primary: true,  autoincrement: true}
    first_name: string(50)
    surname: string(50)
    address: string(50)
    location: string(255)
    city: string(50)
    telephone: string(50)
    fax: string(50)
    token: { type: string(255), notnull: true }
    nationality: string(50)
    country: { type: string(50), default: Spain}
    email: { type: string(255), notnull: true }
    date_of_birth: {type: date(25), default: '2000-01-01', notnull:
true }
    gender: { type: integer(1), default: '0', notnull: true}

  tableName: bolsadetrabajo_work_experience
  actAs: { Timestampable: ~ }
    id: { type: integer(3), primary: true, autoincrement: true }
    cv_id: { type: integer(4), notnull: true}
    date_from: { type: date(25), notnull: true }
    date_to: { type: date(25), notnull: false }
    occupation: { type: string(255), notnull: true }
    main_activities: { type: string(), notnull: true }
    address_employer: { type: string(255), notnull: true }
    name_employer: string(255)
    type_business: string(255)
    BolsadetrabajoCv: { onDelete: CASCADE, local: cv_id, foreign: id,
foreignAlias: BolsadetrabajoWork }

So if I try to embed a new form for the Work Experience on the
BolsadetrabajoCvForm.class.php (form for Curriculum)  I have no
problem. I picked code from others that embed new forms of
My problems  come when I try to embed forms with existing data of
WorkExperience into the parent. I followed some very userfull post
like :
This didn't work for me, I currently have the following code on

      $experiencias = $this->getObject()->getActiveWork();
      $i = 1;
      foreach ($experiencias as  $workform)
          $this->embedForm('workexperience'.$i, new WorkExperienceForm
getActiveWork() is defined in BolsadetrabajoCv.class.php as:

public function getActiveWork()
      $q = $this->getActiveWorksQuery();
       return Doctrine::getTable('BolsadetrabajoWorkExperience')-

So every try I have made changing the BolsadetrabajoCvForm following
several tutorials or webpages renders me the error:
The "WorkExperienceForm" form only accepts a "WorkExperience" object


Could anybody give me a hand in this?? I've spent days looking on
internet and trying different solutions but nothting has worked.


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