Upgrading to 4.0.1 worked for me, thanks.  It was also consistently
failing in the sfGuardUser controller due to not enough memory, so I
upped that in php.ini.

On Dec 1, 4:39 pm, Jonathan Dart <jonathand...@gmail.com> wrote:
> After upgrading sfDoctrineGuardPlugin to things worked as
> expected. To do the upgrade I changed my
> ProjectConfiguration.class.php to point to sf`1.3, this allows the
> upgrade to work, then after you're done change it back to 1.4 and you
> should be good to go after a doctrine:build --all and cc.
> On Dec 1, 2:36 pm, charolastra <ejcon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I can confirm this... I'm setting up a new project today and having to
> > set the routes by hand.  Is there a way to manually load them?  I'm
> > new to Symfony, sorry :-$
> > On Dec 1, 2:23 pm, Jonathan Dart <jonathand...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > After upgrading to sf1.4 sfGuardUser/Group/Permission are not working
> > > for me.
> > > In settings.yml
> > >     enabled_modules:        [default, sfGuardGroup, sfGuardUser,
> > > sfGuardPermission, sfGuardAuth]
> > > When I go to sfGuardUser/index I get the following error:
> > >     The route "sf_guard_user_collection" does not exist.
> > > I have not set sf_guard_plugin_routes_register to false.
> > > I noticed a new version of sfDoctrineGuardPlugin was release but
> > > cannot upgrade to it in sf1.4:
> > > #symfony plugin:upgrade sfDoctrineGuardPlugin
> > > >> plugin    upgrading plugin "sfDoctrineGuardPlugin"
> > >   Unable to get download information for plugin "sfDoctrineGuardPlugin
> > > | 4.0.1 | stable": Package "sfDoctrineGuardP
> > > lugin" does not have REST info xml available


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