So, I wanted to write a plugin DoctrineActAsSomething.

The existing plugins don't generate classes (or from the schema.yml)

so my template extends "Doctrine_Record_Generator".
The code in my previous message works and will generate the base class
but in the project NOT in the plugin.

The reason comes fron the Doctrine/Record/Generator.php
function generateClass(array $definition = array())

is called, and expect a $definition['package'] to build the class in
the package/plugin

or it is not possible, because generateClass() is called from :
public function generateClassFromTable(Doctrine_Table $table)
        $definition = array();
        $definition['columns'] = $table->getColumns();
        $definition['tableName'] = $table->getTableName();
        $definition['actAs'] = $table->getTemplates();

        return $this->generateClass($definition);

So for now, adding at the line 449 this code, works fine :
if( isset($this->_options['package']) )
              $definition['package'] = (isset($this->_options
['package'])) ? $this->_options['package'] : null;
              $builder->setOption('packagesPath', (isset($this-
>_options['packagesPath'])) ? $this->_options['packagesPath'] :
null );

I dont know how the builder is able to write in the plugin directory
from a schema.yml.
Somehow another buillder must extend this one .. I dont know.


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