
I have an action that accepts file uploads from a desktop program.
I use a form for validation (see below) and if the form is valid, I
process the uploaded files(see action below). This works as expected.

But the functional tests (see below) do not upload any file (result see
below, result 37 shows, that no file is uploaded, but only the path, and
39 shows that the sfFileValidator complains that the file is required).

I checked the docs, but I only found this
(http://www.symfony-project.org/jobeet/1_4/Doctrine/en/11): "The browser
also simulates file uploads if you pass the absolute path to the file to
upload." which either I don't understand or doesn't work.

Has anyone done file uploads in a functional test, and how?


my functional test:
$in2 = array('path' => '/path',
  'md5' => 'e1aab77d216d8ad97ff143823a75038e',
  'ci' => '0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef',
  'file' =>

$browser = new sfTestFunctional(new sfBrowser());
info('post remote/upload - returns OK')->
  post('http://client.virtual/remote/upload', $in2)->
    isParameter('module', 'remote')->
    isParameter('action', 'upload')->
    isParameter('ci', '0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef')->
    isParameter('md5', 'e1aab77d216d8ad97ff143823a75038e')->
    isParameter('path', '/path')->
    isParameter('file', '')->

the validation form:
class UploadForm extends BaseForm {

public function configure() {
    'ci' => new sfValidatorString(array('max_length' => 32, 'min_length'
=> 32)),
    'path' => new sfValidatorDoctrineChoice(array('model' => 'Path',
'column' => 'path')),
    'md5' => new sfValidatorString(array('max_length' => 32,
'min_length' => 32)),
    'file' => new sfValidatorFile(array('max_size' => 200000,
'mime_types' => 'web_images')),
      'module' => new sfValidatorPass(),
      'action' => new sfValidatorPass(),
 and the action looks like this:
public function executeUpload(sfWebRequest $request) {
  if ($request->isMethod('post')) {
  $this->form = new UploadForm();
  if ($this->form->isValid()) {
    // to something
    return $this->renderText('OK');
  } else {
    $result = 'ERROR: ';
    foreach($this->form->getErrorSchema()->getErrors() as $k => $error) {
      $result .= "\n$k: " . $error->getMessage();
    return $this->renderText($result);
return $this->renderText('ERROR Invalid method');
and the test result:
not ok 37 - request parameter file is ""
#     Failed test
(./lib/vendor/symfony/lib/test/sfTesterRequest.class.php at line 48)
#            got:
#       expected: ''
ok 38 - status code is 200
not ok 39 - response content matches regex #OK#
#     Failed test
(./lib/vendor/symfony/lib/test/sfTesterResponse.class.php at line 383)
#                     'ERROR:
file: Required.'
#       doesn't match '#OK#'


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