You will have to create a new SwiftMailer transporter.

Digg into Swift sourcecode, and look at available transporters, create your

There is a "failover" transporter, but it's not what you are looking for.
Inspire yourself from them.

2009/12/20 ScherlOMatic <>

> Hello everybody!
> This is my first post and I'm glad if somebody could help me.
> Sorry if I there will be some spelling errors, buts it's been a while
> I've spoken English.
> Problem:
> I need to have multiple mail servers (exactly 2 servers) and I'm not
> sure if it's possible to realize it in symfony 1.3/1.4
> In symfony 1.2 I used a stupid 'if-else' construct...
> First I tried to create a second 'transport' entry in my factories.yml
> but now I don't know who to use them in my action class.
> Snippet of factories.yml:
> mailer:
> param:
> transport1:
> param:
> host:
> transport2:
> param:
> host:
> The purpose for this is that I need differnt servers for different
> domains (.at/.de).
> Hope somebody give me a hint!
> Thx Stefan
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