I have a layout that applies several menus (primary, secondary, etc.)
dynamically by calling components. In its simplest form, the component
logic retrieves a menu by name from the database and the view iterates
over the navigation items associated with that menu to display the

Quick overview of the relationships:

A NavMenu has_many NavMenuItems
A Page has_many NavMenuItems
A NavMenuItem belongs_to NavMenu, Page

In short, a NavMenu has_and_belongs_to_many Pages through a
NavMenuItem. Each request is answered by the Page controller via an
sfPropelObject route.

When I display the menu, I need to know which item is "active" so that
I can treat it a little differently. To do so, I'm setting a slot in
the Page controller whose value is the Page object that was requested
($this->getRoute()->getObject()). That seems a little wonky, but it's
the only way I could find to set a variable in the controller that
would be available to the layout and, in turn, sent to the component
when called.

This works great in simple scenarios, but a more complex scenario has
come up. A couple of menus have child menus that need to be displayed.
I'd like the layout to do that since most pages appear on a menu that
has a submenu.

Unless someone has a better idea, what I need to do is, in my
component - within the logic that determines the active NavMenuItem -
set a variable that writes that NavMenuItem object to some place where
it can be picked up by the layout. Somewhere further down in the
layout, I need to call the same menu component to display the submenu
(if any) for the active NavMenuItem.

I tried to provide context, but in case I've only created confusion
the basic question is this: In a component where I'm determining the
active NavMenuItem, how I can access that NavMenuItem further down in
my layout?



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