
My data model has a Pc table with a 1-n relation with an Eth  table.

I'd like to configure the backend forms in order to :

1 - Show 'New Pc form' with button 'save and add interface'
2 - When pc is saved (processForm), Pcs new id is put in session
3 - Then, the form for creating a new interface is shown

At step 3, I want the form for the interface to avoid the selection of
the Pc, which should be the one just created.

I've tried to do this this way, but does not work :

// lib/form/doctrine/EthForm.class.php
 class EthForm extends BaseEthForm
  public function configure()
    $this->setDefault('id_obj', sfUser::getAttribute('pc'));

Could someone help me to do this right ?


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