On 11 Jan 2010, at 17:20, Bob wrote:

> Hi all,
> Collecting information about important points why Symfony can be
> beneficial for newspapers web-sites (in comparison to Drupal6, where
> time for hacking is large, but end-code is "not nice". I found some
> good points here already -
> http://lacot.org/public/symfony/symfony-day-2009-symfony-vs-integrating-products-xavier-lacot-clever-age.pdf
> , but I guess somebody has more to say).
> Maybe somebody could give working examples of large, popular
> newspapers sites built on Symfony?
> All relative information is highly appreciated.

Hi Anton,

I can speak from experience here - take a look at Cofax (http://www.cofax.org). 
It's a (Java based) content management system that was designed specifically 
for bringing newspapers and magazines online. 

You may also recognise some of the developers 
http://www.cofax.org/content/cofax/about/people.htm ;)
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