On 12 Gen, 07:57, dziobacz <aaabbbcccda...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I would like to use also format in sfWidgetFormJQueryDate in symfony
> 1.4. Here is my ticket:http://trac.symfony-project.org/ticket/8093#preview
> You can give there your suggestions so maybe fabien faster solve this
> problem.
> What is more I think current format: mm-dd-yyyy is wrong because in
> normal countries people use dd-mm-yyyy or at least yyyy-mm-dd. I don't
> know country where date has that strange format: mm-dd-yyyy xD

I'm sorry for repeating myself, but: just don't use
Use sfWidgetFormDate, or even sfWidgetFormDateTime (or even i18n ones)
with a pure javascript (jquery) solution: 
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