How did you even create the table User? Did you quote any or all of
the table/column names. I have Postgres 8.4 and it won't let me even
create the user table unless I quote the table names (unfortuately,
Doctrine seems to only allow quoting ALL table names AND ALL column
names) Probably not much performance difference.

On Jan 21, 3:01 am, webasker <> wrote:
> Can someone please help me?
> I have a database with schema "main" that include a table "User". I
> get this exception when inserting an entry into table User.
> Doctrine_Sequence_Exception
> on demand sequence main."User_Id_seq" could not be created
> at ()
> in SF_SYMFONY_LIB_DIR\plugins\sfDoctrinePlugin\lib\vendor\doctrine
> \Doctrine\Sequence\Pgsql.php line 56 ...
> Here's my Doctrine schema.yml
> User:
>   tableName: User
>   columns:
>     id:
>       type: integer(4)
>       primary: true
>       sequence: 'main."User_Id_seq"'
>     name:
>       type: string(32)
>       notnull: true
> This is the generated model class.
> abstract class BaseUser extends sfDoctrineRecord
> {
>     public function setTableDefinition()
>     {
>         $this->setTableName('User');
>         $this->hasColumn('id', 'integer', 4, array(
>              'type' => 'integer',
>              'primary' => true,
>              'sequence' => 'main."User_Id_seq"',
>              'length' => '4',
>              ));
>         $this->hasColumn('name', 'string', 32, array(
>              'type' => 'string',
>              'notnull' => true,
>              'length' => '32',
>              ));
>     }
> }
> Thanks so much.

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