What should this snippet do?
You do not call any setter of your model.
'.date('Y').'-'.date('m').'-01' -> date('Y-m').'-01' looks better :P
Am 03.02.2010 um 22:23 schrieb Germana Oliveira:
im trying to make the system to save some data, so i do this:
$audiencia = new Audiencia();
$ordenado =
$correlativo = Audiencia::obtenerCorrelativo();
$tipo_proceso_id = $orden->getTipoProcesoId();
$denunciado_id = $orden->getDenunciadoId();
if( !is_null($denuncia) ){ $denuncia_id =
$denuncia->getId(); }
$fecha_cita = '.date('Y').'-'.date('m').'-01';
$hora_cita = '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
i have done it like thie before, but this time seems like something
is not right ... i guess is the fecha_cita and hora_cita fields.
some ideas???
PD: No error message is show.
Germana Oliveira
germanaoliveirab arroba gmail punto com
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