Try to show us the exception..

On 24 ún, 17:59, Bruno Reis <> wrote:
> I figured out it has nothing to do with the event handler.
> I´s happening on every page.
> On my "error_404_action", I redirect to the homepage and it shows the
> uncaught exception message.
> Anybody knows why?
> 2010/2/24 Bruno Reis <>
> > Hi,
> > I´m connecting the "application.throw_exception" event to my exception
> > handler class.
> > public function configure() {
> >         $this->dispatcher->connect(
> >             'application.throw_exception',
> >             array('MyExceptionHandler', 'listenToApplicationException')
> >         );
> >     }
> > On the end of the listener method I return true. When symfony handles a 404
> > it redirects succesfully, but show an exception at the end of the page shown
> > after the redirect (sfStopException). This exception comes from the end of
> > the sfAction::forward method.
> > What can I do to prevent this?

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